Author: philippe
Despite this long Covid period, since September 2021 we have been able to carry out a series of trips to Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and France for the search for the last partner of our documentary series Planet Odyssey. Each 90-minute film will culminate with a conference in Finland that will bring together the films’ central figures. The next trip, at the beginning of March 2022, will also be dedicated to filming in a magical region of Northern Europe.
Letter of support from Mr Stéphane Dujarric, Director of the Information and Media Division, UNITED NATIONS Department of Public Information:
I am writing to express the United Nations News and Media Division’s support for the documentary series Planet Odyssey, consisting of four films to be shot over the next five years by Mr. Philippe Boucher.
Planet Odyssey will highlight the links between humankind and the environment in protected
areas around the world. The films will document the planet’s diverse landscapes and ecosystems, raise awareness about long- and short-term environmental threats, and highlight efforts by people to mitigate these threats with a view to inspiring individuals to play an active role in protecting and preserving the natural environment.
As Planet Odyssey aligns with the United Nations’ principles and priorities, the United Nations News and Media Division is currently discussing with Mr. Boucher and his team ways of incorporating Planet Odyssey material into our multimedia public information products.
We would appreciate any assistance and support offered to Mr. Boucher and his team in fulfilling this important mission.
Stéphane Dujarric
Planet Odyssey

After two years of traveling and meeting (New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Beijing, Tokyo, Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Geneva and Paris), Planet Mosaic officially becomes Planet Odyssey. The UN is still an official partner alongside the H. Dudley Wright Foundation and a dozen other copartners. The presentation book is printed on the extraordinary Munken Polar paper.